Human Papillomavirus is a highly contagious virus that lives on the skin. There are over one hundred strains of HPV.
The virus is extremely contagious and it is estimated that 80% of the population will have an HPV infection at some
point in their lifetime. The majority of people infected by Human Papillomavirus will not experience any serious
health issues, but HPV can lead to other, more serious diseases.
Human Papillomavirus is thought to be the causal agent of around 5% of all cancer cases worldwide, along with
genital warts and laryngeal papillomas. HPV has been recognised and publicised as the cause of cervical, vaginal
and vulvar cancers, causing many to believe that HPV is a women-only issue. HPV is increasingly being
acknowledged as a cause of specific cancers which affect many other body parts, including anal, penile, and head
& neck cancer, but more needs to be done around research, awareness, prevention and cures.
Anal, Head & Neck, and penile cancers are increasing at an alarming rate in Europe and the USA, particularly in men.
Professor Margaret Stanley, one of our scientific advisory team members, has stated that if the current trends of
HPV- related cancer continues, the number of men affected by HPV-related cancer will exceed women in ten years.
UK experts, including Professor Stanley, agree that we should expand the current female-only vaccination
programme to include males.
“HPV-associated cancers in men are on the rise. By not vaccinating boys, we are failing to gain maximum health benefit”
Margaret Stanley, OBE,
Camebridge University, HPV Expert